Facts About Dolphins

Dolphins are intelligent and playful Cetaceans that like to interact with each other and other species, like humans. These are just some of the 100s of dolphins/dolphin family members in the world.

  • The killer whale or Orca, can be friendly to humans in a few situations, but other than that, stay away from them. Orcas live in pods with a male, females and young Orca calves. Even when a calf dies, the mother will not abandon it, she will instead, in most cases, bring her calf with her, wherever her pod goes. One of the things that they eat are stingrays, if you turn a stingray upside down underwater for long enough, it will fall asleep, helpless.
  • The Bottle-nosed dolphin is playful, and can be trained. Their main diet is fish and squid. Their Genus name is Tursiops and their Species is Truncatus, Genus + Species = their Scientific name. So their Scientific name is Tursiops Truncatus.
  • Tucuxi, or River dolphins, can live in freshwater or brackish water. They are albino (white). Their Scientific name is Sotalia fluviatilis.
  • An extinct type of dolphin is called the Baiji River dolphin. It was thought to be a river monster, so humans killed them all. Its scientific name is Lipotes vexillifer.

The dolphins that I mentioned in dot point 1 and 2 are from the Delphinidae family.

Also, dolphins shed their skin every 2 hours.

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