We have started designing boats to see which one will be the best. So far, the half ‘elongated’ sphere boat floats (just), but it definitely wouldn’t survive the sea… We will use the final product for research purposes by taking pictures of the wildlife near the coast. I will keep all of you readers informed and send out the pictures. One of my ideas that I didn’t try out yet was a coracle, one of the earliest boat shapes from Britain 1900 years ago. The app I will be using is Tinkercad, so if you want to start building, give us a heads up to get some tips. The next thing that we did was trying a boat with 2 hollow cylinders and a flat square on top. It made an amazing improvement on how it floats. We are thinking of how it will be powered (first idea batteries and solar panels). So far, we have tested our best float design. It flipped onto its back because it had no weights pulling it down. I am learning about coding from my dad step by step.
For the time being, this project is cancelled…